Brow Lift

7.3.1 What is the desired shape and position for the female eyebrow? The male eyebrow?

Sclafani AP, Jung M. Desired position, shape, and dynamic range of the normal adult eyebrow. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2010 Mar-Apr;12(2):123-7. PMID:20231595

7.3.2 Which muscles are responsible for the transverse and vertical glabellar creases? What about the deep transverse forehead lines?

7.3.3 Where in the world is the frontal branch of the frontal nerve? Any tips on avoiding this structure during brow lift surgery?

7.3.4 Botulinum toxin. What is it, how does it work, and its role in cosmetic surgery?

7.3.5 What are the indications for a forehead and brow lift?

7.3.6 Discuss endoscopic forehead lifts. Is it better than an open procedure?

Angelos PC, Stallworth CL, Wang TD. Forehead lifting: state of the art. Facial Plast Surg. 2011 Feb;27(1):50-7. Epub 2011 Jan 18. PMID:21246456

7.3.7 A 57 year-old woman is scheduled to undergo correction of severe brow ptosis and wrinkling of the forehead and nasal root. She has a high forehead and usually wears her hair pulled back. What incisions and procedures will you perform?