FESS - Standard
Prescribe peri-operative medications
Preferences list composer
Augmentin - *add regimen
Prednisone - *add regimen
Sinonasal irrigation - *add regimen
Analgesic - Tylenol #2 - *add regimen
Review the chart and CT
Anterior ethmoid artery
Vidian canal
Skull base height
Lamina papyrecea
Optic nerve
Carotid artery
Bony anatomy
Frontal outflow tract
Cells - Haller, Onodi, Agger Nasi
Load the CT sinus into the Medtronic Fusion
Choose GE (2nd option)
If GE not available, choose unstructured DI-COM
Once the exams are loaded, choose the exam with the highest number of slices (~ 200+)
Check the 3-D formatting
Modify the threshold to show just the external facial anatomy
Soak 4 pledgets in Afrin
For the back table
Topical Epinephrine 1:1000 - 60 ml
Strip of fluorescein
Afrin bottle x 1 - 30 ml
Purple marking pen
Topical 4% Cocaine bottle x 1 - 4 ml
Local infiltration 1% Lidocaine with 1:100,000 Epinephrine - 30 ml
Check the equipment on the back table
Bend 27 gauge spinal needle for the SPA infiltration - - *add steps with photos
Bend 27 gauge 1.5 inch needles x 2 for middle turbinate infiltration
Supply 3 ml syringe x 2
Supine position with slight reverse Trendelenberg
Peri-op antibiotic
Tape tube to lower left lip
Turn 90 degrees
Shift body to edge of right side of bed and up to top of head of bed
Donut, head slightly tilted right
Insert the Afrin pledgets x 2 each side - Do NOT cut the strings
Place the Medtronic receiver on the left
Secure the Medtronic head frame
1 blue towel across the upper lip
2 towels for Turban wrap the head
0 degree endoscope for nasal endoscopy and to infiltrate local
Add steps here
Register the probe
Tape the eyes with small Tegaderm x 2
Perform complete nasal endoscopy
Photograph for the chart, as needed
Maxillary antrostomy
Choose either the 0- or 30-degree endoscope
Identify the curve and free edge of the uncinate process, the anterior bulge of the agger nasi cell, and the superior attachment of the inferior turbinate
Infiltrate 1% Lidocaine with Epinephrine at the superior attachment of the middle turbinate to the lateral nasal wall, into the anterior head of the middle turbinate, and over the sphenopalatine artery
Gently medialize the middle turbinate with the Freer
Place 4% Cocaine pledgets x 2 into the middle meatus
Uncinectomy (multiple techniques)
Place the angled ball-tip probe (maxillary sinus seeker) into the semilunar hiatus and medialize the uncinate
Place the MicroFrance 90 degree through-cutting forceps at the inferior aspect of the uncinate and dissect sharply to the superior insertion of the uncinate
Straight or angled microdébrider to remove the uncinate
KEY: Remove the superior attachment of the uncinate
Enlarge the antrostomy
May switch to 30-degree endoscope
Downbiter or angled microdébrider to take down the inferior uncinate process to the superior border of the inferior turbinate
Pediatric backbiter to remove lateral wall anteriorly to the thick bone over the nasolacrimal duct
Straight through-cutter to excise the fontanelle posterior to the natural ostium
Remove maxillary disease
Curved suction and angled microdébrider, débride polypoid tissue from the sinus
Anterior ethmoidectomy
0-degree endoscope to identify the medial border of the ethmoid bulla
J-curette to fracture the bulla in an anterolateral direction starting from the space medial to the bulla and posterior to the bulla (retrobullar space)
Straight microdebrider (or Blakesley forceps) to remove all bony fragments
Angled through-cutter or J-curette to dissect along the medial orbital wall to remove the lateral partitions of the ethmoid bulla and identify the lamina papyrecea
Posterior ethmoidectomy
J-curette to perforate the medial-inferior basal lamellae at the height of the roof of the maxillary sinus
REMEMBER: The roof of the maxillary sinus serves as a vertical landmark for dissection as you progress from anterior to posterior through the ethmoid cavity
Straight microdebrider and through-cutting instruments to dissect the basal lamella inferiorly to the horizontal portion and superiorly to the height of the roof of the maxillary sinus
Angled thru-cutting instruments (and/or rotating Kerrison) to remove ethmoid bony partitions laterally attached to the medial orbital wall and posteriorly until the anterior face of the sphenoid sinus is reached
Posterior to anterior dissection
30-degree endoscope to identify the skull base superiorly and begin to dissect posterior to anterior along the skull base
Curved suction tools (with image guidance, if available) and upbiting through-cutters to remove bony partitions attached to the skull base
KEY: If you can see in front of a bony partition and feel behind it, then it is safe to cut with a through-cutting instrument
Dissect along the skull base in a posterior to anterior direction until the roof of the ethmoid bulla and suprabullar recess are reached
REMEMBER: This marks the area of the anterior ethmoid artery and the beginning of the frontal recess dissection
0-degree endoscope to identify the superior turbinate and its horizontal lamellae, upon completion of the posterior ethmoidectomy
Straight through-cutter to remove the lower half of the superior turbinate
Sraight image guided suction to identify the natural os of the sphenoid sinus
J-curette to enter the natural os and then dilate the os by fracturing the anterior sphenoid face in a lateral direction
Kerrison punch or straight mushroom punch to remove bony fragments and enlarge the sphenoid antrostomy
Frontal sinusotomy
Reverse 45-degree (and potentially 70-degree) endoscope
Draf I: removal of the superior uncinate with preservation of the agger nasi
Draf IIa: removal of all cells within the frontal recess
Identify the anterior ethmoid artery, usually at the beginning of the frontal recess as one moves posterior to anterior
REMEMBER: This signals the beginning of the frontal dissection; When the frontal recess is viewed, the most common arrangement is the agger nasi cell anteriorly and the supraorbital ethmoid and ethmoid bulla posteriorly
Identify the natural drainage pathway by the appearance of a transition zone, usually the pathway is medial-posterior to the posterior wall of the agger nasi
Curved suction or frontal sinus curette to dilate this space and remove the bone surrounding it
45-degree front-to-back through-cutting giraffe forceps to remove the posterior wall of the agger nasi cell
Front-to-back and side-to-side through-cutting giraffe forceps to cut the medial wall of the agger nasi cell
The skull base is located posterior to the dissection
Frontal sinus Kerrison punch (Bachert forceps) or 45-degree mushroom punch to remove the cap of the agger nasi cell all the way anteriorly to the nasofrontal bone
45-degree mushroom punch or through-cutting giraffe forceps to remove the posterior frontal recess bone
KEY: Identifying the anterior ethmoid artery more posteriorly before this move will provide greater confidence in working in the posterior frontal recess
45-degree mushroom or Hosemann punch to removed some of the medial floor of the frontal recess and perform finishing touches to maximize the opening into the frontal sinus
Draf IIb: Draf IIa dissection plus removal of the ipsilateral floor of the frontal recess
Draf III: bilateral Draf IIb dissection plus removal of the intersinus septum and the superior nasal septum to create a single common opening
Sample operative report
Dr. Liang's post op patient instructions
POD 2-3 weeks
If Propel implant placed
POD 10-14 - May remove the implant on the first visit; It will be more tedious to remove at future visits
POD 3-4 weeks
Non-polyps - 10 days
Amoxicillin-Pot Clavulanate (AUGMENTIN) 875-125 mg Oral Tab 20 0/0
Sig : Take 1 tablet orally 2 times a day for 10 days
Polyps - same
Non-poylps - 12 day taper
predniSONE (DELTASONE) 10 mg Oral Tab (30 tabs)
Sig : After your procedure take 4 tablets orally daily for 3 days, then take 3 tablets daily for 3 days, then take 2 tablets daily for 3 days, then take 1 tablets daily for 3 days, then stop.
Polyps - 16 day taper
predniSONE (DELTASONE) 10 mg Oral Tab (40 tabs)
Sig : After your procedure take 4 tablets orally daily for 4 days, then take 3 tablets daily for 4 days, then take 2 tablets daily for 4 days, then take 1 tablets daily for 4 days, then stop.
Sinonasal irrigation, starting POD 1
All patients
Neil-med Saline bottle - starting POD 1
Polyps / allergic fungal
Budesonide - starting POD 7
Analgesic: Tylenol #2