



Sample operative report


Procedure in Detail:

Patient was brought to the operating room and a time out was performed per operating room policy with all members of the surgical team present.

General anesthesia was induced without difficulty using a Medtronic RLN monitoring endotracheal tube. The electrodes were attached to the NIM monitor and tracing and stimulation were confirmed. A pre-excision ioPTH was drawn. This value returned as ***.

The ultrasound {WAS, WAS NOT:233490} used to evaluate the neck to attempt localization of an abnormal parathyroid gland. ***. A *** cm incision was planned in an appropriate location. The patient was prepped and draped in the standard fashion to encompass all surgical sites.

Reverification was performed prior to incision. Incision was carried through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Subcutaneous/ subplatysmal flaps were rasied superior and inferior.

The {LEFT:30912} side was explored by retracting the strap muscles off the thyroid gland. The carotid artery was identified and the thyroid gland was retracted medially to expose the tracheoesophageal groove and the cricothyroid joint. The middle thyroid vein {WAS, WAS NOT:233490} ligated.

A {SUPERIOR/INFERIOR:32394} parathyroid gland was noted to be enlarged. This was dissected out and it's vascular pedicle was ligated with bipolar electrocautery. The recurrent laryngeal nerve {WAS, WAS NOT:233490} identified. ***

The {LEFT:30912} side was explored by retracting the strap muscles off the thyroid gland. The carotid artery was identified and the thyroid gland was retracted medially to expose the tracheoesophageal groove and the cricothyroid joint. The middle thyroid vein {WAS, WAS NOT:233490} ligated. ***

A *** min post excision ioPTH was drawn and sent to the lab after not manipulating the surgical bed.

The wound was thoroughly irrigated with warm saline. A valsalva was performed. Any active bleeding was controlled. The surgical incision was closed in layers and a sterile dressing was applied.

The post-excision ioPTH value was ***.

Care was returned to the anesthesiologist who extubated the patient and transferred them to PACU in stable condition.


Pearls & Pitfalls

