Type 1 Laryngeal Cleft
Difficult to diagnose
Symptoms and signs revolve around aspiration
Gold standard = Suspension microlaryngobronchoscopy
Posterior palpation is key
2003: Diagnosis and management of type 1 laryngeal cleft - A posterior cleft can be identified by using a forceps in each hand to distract the right and left arytenoids and identify the presence or absence of the interarytenoid muscle. A type 1 cleft is the absence of the interarytenoid muscle.
2014: Type 1 laryngeal cleft: A multidimensional management algorithm - May use a suction probe to palpate
1985, Evans: Type 1, 2, and 3
1989, Benjamin and Inglis: Type 1, 2, 3, and 4
Conservative measures
Prevent GERD
Avoid thin liquids
Maneuvers during feeding to limit aspiration
Benjamin and Inglis classification
Type 1 - observation, endoscopic repair as needed
Type 2-3 - cervical approach
Type 4 - combined cervical approach and lateral thoracotomy
Spontaneous breathing vs ETT
Endoscopic approach
Suspension microlaryngobronchoscopy
Lindholm laryngoscope
A mucosal margin of the cleft is excised
2006: The presentation and management of laryngeal cleft: A 10-year experience
Carbon dioxide laser at a setting of 3 W at 0.3-second intermittent mode was used to denude the mucosal margin of the cleft. It is of paramount importance to completely remove the mucosa at the apex of the cleft to prevent persistence of the fistula at the lower end of the repair
Repair is then performed in two layers with interrupted absorbable sutures (6′0 vicryl poly) on a spatulated needle
2006: The presentation and management of laryngeal cleft: A 10-year experience
Absorbable interrupted sutures (4-0 Vicryl) are used to close the cleft. The first suture is the most important and must be placed at the most inferior extent of the cleft. We generally place 3 to 4 sutures, depending on the extent of the cleft
Place NGT
Close airway observations
NGT feeding, broad-spectrum antibiotics and gastric acid suppressants for 5 days
Repeat suspension microlaryngobronchoscopy in 4 weeks
eMedicine: Congenital Malformations of the Esophagus - Laryngotracheoesophageal Cleft
Laryngeal Cleft PowerPoint from National Taiwan University Hospital - more clinical and surgical details