Vestibular Function and Anatomy

3.17.1 Discuss the blood supply to the vestibular end organs.

3.17.2 Discuss the efferent and afferent innervation to the vestibular end organs.

3.17.3 Describe the fluids within the vestibular end organs.

3.17.4 Name the five vestibular end organs and their stimuli.

3.17.5 How are receptor cells in the semicircular canals, utricle and saccule stimulated? What is the functional significance of the two types of hair cells?

3.17.6 What are Ewald’s laws?

3.17.7 What is the pathway for the vestibular-ocular reflex?

3.17.8 How do the vestibular reflexes adapt to changes in the sensory environment or to lesions within their anatomic pathways.

3.17.9 Doc, why do I get motion sickness?