Service ideas for improvement


Send out weekly schedule by Sat

Dc prep your own surgical patients

Dc by 11 AM

Check in with OR res before leaving if you are res on-call

During rounds, be verbal with exam findings, operative res should examine the patient

Flaps, big cases - first exam in PACU, then flap check

Clinic RETURNS - try to book with the same surgeon

If not possible, notify the person who will see the patient

If booked with PA, send them a message

Get back our “open” PR slots to book our own RETURNS

Encourage teaching rounds

Monthly teaching session by Senior level resident at Tu lunch, etc.


RCH resident should call the junior before leaving the hospital

If no resident in RCH, call the attending there

Contact #s

House sup (bed availability) - 307-3045

Mimi’s cell - 510-932-9640

If going to OR before 6 AM, call House Sup and ask for on-call team contact info to call immediately

Stock Epistats in RCH clinic

Fix the RCH day call online schedule - Jun