Disorders of Taste and Smell

4.3.1 Describe the basic physiology of olfaction.

4.3.2 Describe the basic mechanisms of gustatory physiology.

4.3.3 What is the mechanism by which individual odorants chemicals are encoded as distinct?

4.3.4 Discuss olfactory and taste testing. Discuss the UPSIT and interpret the scoring.

4.3.5 What is the alcohol sniff test?

4.3.6 What is the differential diagnosis of anosmia?

4.3.7 What are the different types of taste receptors, their location, and which kinds of tastes are each responsible for?

4.3.8 Define and describe the terms Aparosmia and phantosmia. What are the underlying conditions and how are they managed?

4.3.9 What is the impact of unilateral/bilateral chorda tympani lesions?

4.3.10 What is the differential diagnosis for dysgeusia and complete loss of taste?

4.3.11 What therapeutic interventions exist in the management of persistent dysgeusia?

4.3.12 How does septoplasty and turbinate reduction influence olfaction?

Damm M, Eckel HE, JungehĂĽlsing M, Hummel T. Olfactory changes at threshold and suprathreshold levels following septoplasty with partial inferior turbinectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2003 Jan;112(1):91-7. PMID:12537065

4.3.13 How does chronic renal failure affect olfactory function? Any other medical conditions that interfere with chemosensory function?

Frasnelli JA, Temmel AF, Quint C, Oberbauer R, Hummel T. Olfactory function in chronic renal failure. Am J Rhinol. 2002 Sep-Oct;16(5):275-9. PMID:12422973

4.3.14 What happens to taste and smell senses after total laryngectomy?

van Dam FS, Hilgers FJ, Emsbroek G, Touw FI, van As CJ, de Jong N. Deterioration of olfaction and gustation as a consequence of total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope. 1999 Jul;109(7 Pt 1):1150-5. PMID:10401859