Skull Base Tumors and Surgery
3.14.1 Name all those holes in the base of the skull and tell us what goes through each.
3.14.2 Review the boundaries of anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa.
3.14.3 List the contents of the superior and inferior orbital fissures.
3.14.4 What is superior orbital fissure syndrome?
3.14.5 Review the relationship of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal vessels to the optic canal.
3.14.6 Discuss the classification of glomus tumors (Fisch vs. Glasscock)
3.14.7 What are the surgical approaches to lateral skull base and what are the indications for each (Fisch)?
3.14.8 Discuss the pre-operative evaluation of skull base tumors with suspected ICA involvement.
3.14.9 Pneumocephalus-etiology and management of this post-op complication.
3.14.10 Temporalis flap and pericranial flap-review the blood supply and surgical techniques.
3.14.11 Dr. (your skull base surgeon) has asked you to start his case by raising the bicoronal flap. Help us understand the temporal fascia and how you will avoid the frontal branch of the facial nerve.
3.14.12 What are the most common tumors to arise in the lateral skull base?
3.14.13 Describes the risks and benefits of using either stereotactic radiosurgery or skull base resection of vestibular schwannomas.
3.14.14 What are the long-term control rates for vestibular schwannoma using stereotactic radiosurgery?
3.14.15 11 month postoperatively following resection of a vestibular schwannoma, your patient is leaking clear fluid out her nose. Please describe your evaluation and management options for this condition.