HHT - Coblator/Avastin
Overarching mindset: Avoid trauma by avoiding direct contact with the tissue
Trauma results in bleeding and the bleeding can be torrential, even life-threatening
Obtain preoperative Epistaxis Severity Score (ESS)
Dr. L preferred method
Coblator - Procise EZ view coblation sinus wand, Smith and Nephew (Settings 7 coblate, 5 coag)
Dr. R methods
KTP laser on operative microscope
Setting: 2 watts continuous
Silver glide bipolar
Silastic splints - thinnest possible
Avastin (Bevacizumab) - 8 ml (200 mg) of 25 mg/ml concentration prepared by pharmacy
Dr. R
Turn bed 180 degrees
Option: Microscope at top
Afrin, topical spray only, not on pledgets
Floseal, first line packing
Merocel, last resort packing
pRBCs on standby, if needed
Dr. L
Use Coblator to address telengiectasias
Inject total of 100 mg (4 ml), with 50 mg (2 ml) on each side. Inject the following 4 sites:
Sphenopalatine area
Ascending process of maxilla (ie. maxillary line)
Bony part of superior nasal septum (plane of the anterior head of the MT)
Floor of the nose (plane of the IT)
Dr. R
Infiltrate 2 ml (50 mg) or Avastin distributed on either side at the following three locations: septum, floor of nose, inferior turbinate
Option: KTP laser
Hold the laser away from the surface so that it results in blanching but not cutting of the tissue
Active the laser in a circumferential pattern around each telengectasia moving toward the center of the telengectasia until it completely blanches
Option: Silver glide bipolar, if bleeding results
Again, hover the tip just above the surface of the bleeding site (not in direct contact)
May need to apply a thin layer of bone wax to prevent sticking
Option: Place trimmed silastic splints bilaterally on septum and curving onto floor (if needed)
Secure in standard fashion with a single 4-0 Prolene suture
Leave in place as long as tolerated or until next procedure is needed
Sample operative report
Follow up
TAV 1-2 weeks
Follow up in 2 months, obtain ESS score
Routine nasal care
Remember to counsel the patients on prevention and treatment
Moisture and lack of trauma are key
Intermittent nasal rest for minor bleeds
Apply Vasline coated cotton ball to occlude nostril on bleeding side x 24-48 hours
If major bleed is treated in ED, Afrin and Floseal
Only place non-dissolving pack if absolutely needed
Transfuse as needed