Sample operative report
*** exostosis
TM uninvolved
Chisel method removal of exostoses
Ear packed with 2 paper strips, gelfoam and 2 long otowicks
Procedure in Detail:
After timeout, patient was placed under general endotracheal anesthesia. The table was turned 180 degrees. Facial nerve monitor was placed and tested.
The EAC was cleaned under the microscope and the canal was injected. The ear was then prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. An incision was made over the dome of the *** exostosis. *** mm curved and straight osteotomes were used to remove the mass. The *** and *** exostoses were addressed in the same fashion. The TM and umbo were visualized. The EAC was widened by further removing residual exostoses. Approximately ***% of the TM was visible at the end of the case.
The skin flaps were placed back into position and the EAC was lined with glove paper, packed with gelfoam and 2 long otowicks.
The patient was extubated without difficulty and transported to PACU.
POD 1 start Floxin and remove Glasscock dressing
RTC 1 week
Remove the otowicks, paper lining, and perform gentle gelfoam suctioning
Avoid water exposure until EAC skin healed