3.15.1 What is tinnitus?
3.15.2 How is tinnitus classified?
3.15.3 Briefly discuss the work-up of tinnitus (include pertinent H&P evaluation, indications for labs/imaging studies, audiologic evaluation, tinnitus measurement and quantification).
3.15.4 Call your colleagues at the University of Maryland Tinnitus Center or Emory Tinnitus Center. How are patients evaluated and treated? What are the costs?
3.15.5 Is there a role for pharmacologic therapy of tinnitus? What other medical and non-medical treatment modalities are available for tinnitus?
Hoare DJ, Kowalkowski VL, Kang S, Hall DA. Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials examining tinnitus management. Laryngoscope. 2011 Jul;121(7):1555-64. do~/images 10.1002/lary.21825. Epub 2011 Jun 10. PMID:21671234
3.15.6 Discuss the work-up for evaluation of patients with pulsatile tinnitus.
Madani G, Connor SE. Imaging in pulsatile tinnitus. Clin Radiol. 2009 Mar;64(3):319-28. Epub 2008 Nov 5. PMID:19185662
3.15.7 Educate us on the relationship between depression and tinnitus.
Dobie RA. A review of randomized clinical trials in tinnitus. Laryngoscope. 1999 Aug;109(8):1202-11. PMID:10443820
3.15.8 Discuss maskers and hearing aids in tinnitus. Discuss the use of customized acoustic stimulus systems (such as Neuromonics device) for tinnitus.
Wazen JJ. et al. Evaluation of a customized acoustical stimulus system in the treatment of chronic tinnitus. Otol Neurotol. 2011 Jun;32(4):710-6. PMID:21451428
3.15.9 How does palatal myoclonus cause tinnitus? What is the treatment?
3.15.10 Can cochlear implants suppress tinnitus?
Yonehara E. et al Can cochlear implants decrease tinnitus? Int Tinnitus J. 2006;12(2):172-4. PMID:17260883