Aural Rehabilitation
3.3.1 How do hearing aids work? Everyone should copy and read:
Kim HH, Barrs DM. Hearing aids: a review of what's new. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006 Jun;134(6):1043-50. PMID:16730553
3.3.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of hearing aids (BTE, ITE, ITC, CIC, RITE/C).
3.3.3 Analog vs. digital. What are the advantages of programmability?
3.3.4 Discuss the acoustic gain characteristics of hearing aids.
3.3.5 Indications for CROS and BiCROS hearing aids.
3.3.6 A patient with SNHL demonstrates poor discrimination. Would you recommend hearing aids? Are there any contraindications to hearing aid use?
3.3.7 Discuss assistive listening devices.
3.3.8 Hearing aid problems: acoustic feedback, occlusion effect, distortion.
3.3.9 Should we recommend bilateral hearing aids for patient with monaural hearing loss? Discuss the binaural interference phenomenon.
3.3.10 What are the limitations of linear hearing aids with peak clipping? What are the newer alternatives?
3.3.11 What is a bone-anchored auditory implant? How does it work? Who is a candidate?
3.3.12 See "Cochlear Implant" COCLIA
3.3.13 What are middle ear implants? What are the differences between totally and partially implantable devices? How do they work? Who is a candidate?
3.3.14 What is late onset auditory deprivation?