Thyroglossal duct cyst
Anatomy - Key adjacent structures
Hypoglossal nerve
Lingual artery
Superior laryngeal nerve, internal branch
TGDC location
Usually midline
May be supra-hyoid, at the level of the hyoid, or infra-hyoid
A few cases reports of unusual locations exist, such as within the hyoid and endolaryngeal extension
Mass effect
Concern for malignancy
Acute infection
Relative: Only functional thyroid tissue. Removal is still possible, but the patient will need post op thyroid hormone replacement.
Shoulder roll with neck extension
Examine the thyroid
Check the size, position, and other findings of the suspected TGDC
Local anesthesia
Midline curvilinear in a natural skin crease overlying or near the TGDC
Include an elliptical incision around any skin involved by a draining or previously drained sinus tract
Incise the skin
Avoid violating the TGDC
Raise superior and inferior flaps in the subplatysmal plane
Superiorly, extend the dissection to the hyoid bone
Inferiorly, dissect only minimally to gain exposure of the inferior extent of the TGDC
Identify and divide the strap muscles in the midline, retract laterally to expose the TGDC
Note the straps may already be divided by the TGDC itself
Dissect the TGDC from the underlying thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid membrane
Preserve its tract to the hyoid bone
Grasp the hyoid bone with a tenaculum or straight Allis clamp
Dissect soft tissue off the body of the hyoid
Transect the hyoid at the lateral aspects of its body, preserving the lesser cornu
Dissect and excise the retro-hyoid TGDC tract with a cuff of surrounding soft tissue
Optional: Place a finger or curved retractor transorally into the vallecula
Avoid entering the vallecula or tongue base
Optional: Place a closed suction drain exiting lateral to the wound
Approximate the straps in the midline with 4-0 Polysorb
Approximate the platysma and deep dermis with 4-0 Polysorb
Approximate the skin with subcuticular 5-0 Biosyn
Sample operative report
Recurrence - technique dependent
Injury to hypoglossal nerve, lingual artery
Hematoma (potentially life-threatening)
Infection, sinus or fistula tract formation