Tympanoplasty - Lateral graft




Sample operative report


*** subtotal perforation, concern for skin ***

Performed *** lateral graft tympanoplasty 

Canoloplasty for a narrowed EAC

Procedure details:

Patient was brought to the OR. Placed in the supine position. He was placed under general endotracheal anesthesia. The table was then turned 180 degrees. The facial nerve monitor was placed and tested. L ear canal and postauricular crease were injected with 1% lidocaine with epinephrine. He was noted to have both anterior and posterior TM perforation, subtotal in nature, curled edges with skin potentially on the undersurface of the TM and on the anterior malleus.

The patient was then prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock lateral canal incisions were made as well as a connecting incision in the posterior canal. The postauricular incision was made and taken down the level of the temporalis. Temporalis fascia was harvested, and the lateral EAC skin was elevated. The flap was then retracted anteriorly with a penrose. An anterior EAC incision was made and the medial skin was then elevated, and moving across the annulus and onto the fibrous TM. The skin was removed and saved in saline. The EAC was widened using cutting and diamond burrs to gain exposure. The posterior fibrous TM was elevated and the ossicles were checked and mobile; Incudopexy was noted and easily separated from the TM. All visible skin was removed along with the involved TM. Skin was removed from the malleus; The malleus was preserved. Fascia graft was placed over the remaining anulus, a notch was made in the graft to wrap around the umbo. Skin fract was cut into triangles and placed over the edges of the fascia graft and medial bony EAC. The medial EAC was packed with gelfoam soaked in Floxin. The penrose was the removed and the lateral flap was replaced, and the lateral EAC was packed with gelfoam and two long otowicks. 

The postauricular incision was closed in 3 layers with 3-0 polysorb, 4-0 biosyn and 5-0 fast gut. Steristrips were applied. A cotton ball was placed in the meatus and a Glasscock dressing was applied. The patient was awoken from anethesia without complications.


Pearls & Pitfalls

