TMJ Disorders
1.15.1 You are sitting next to Halle Berry on an airplane and she keeps clicking. You determine that it is her TMJ. She wants you to explain the anatomy of the TMJ and why this happens. What can she do about it?
1.15.2 You overhear this conversation from the next row. Put in your two cents worth on the medical therapy of this problem.
1.15.3 You happen to be on the same flight and want to impress Ms. Berry with your knowledge and surgical expertise. Discuss the surgical indications for TMJ disorders. What procedures are available and do they work?
1.15.4 Ms. Berry wants to know if she should have any tests to evaluate her TMJ problem. How will you advise her?
1.15.5 You are called up to the GI lab. During an upper endoscopy procedure, the patient developed an acute TMJ lock. What should he do? What happened to him anatomically? The jaw cannot be reduced despite sedation…any suggestions?